Green Gen Technologies® is the brainchild of two passionate inventors,
Séverine Laurent Bizos and James de Roany.
Séverine Laurent Bizos
James de Roany
Co-inventor and CEO
Commit to a comprehensive, environmentally responsible approach
- Reduce the carbon footprint of our products throughout their life cycle
- Balance economic development with environmentally friendly practices
- Move towards solutions with a minimized carbon footprint
Prioritise a local approach
- Prioritise local raw materials,
- Work closely with local partners and encourage short supply chains,
- Create a positive impact on the local economy and reduce our impact on our planet.
Be an agent of change.
- Be a driver of sustainable innovation,
- Raise environmental awareness among consumers and manufacturers,
- Consider alternative consumption behaviours (reuse, recycling, etc.).
The technology used is covered by patents held by Green Gen Technologies®.
Green Gen Technologies®, Green Gen Bottles® and Green Gen Cosmectics® are registered trademarks.